Affirmations & Mantas
Mantras and affirmations have the ability to nourish your mind. Speaking as if it is so. It may take time before your believe them but if you continue to say them they begin to stick. All ways that reinforce self care and personal wellness.
Mantra-- a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
Mantras have been used for thousands of years by monks to train their mind during meditation. Both affirmations and mantras are methods of focused attention and concentration.
Affirmations--- the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.
Positive affirmations were used in the 1970’s by neuroscientists, incorporating a modern understanding of psychotherapy and linguistics in order to consciously rewire thought patterns towards more desired outcomes.
When incorporated in the healing and selfcare journey both mantras and positive affirmations can:
Help with problem-solving
Reduce stress and anxiety
Increase the likelihood of personal success
Increase positive emotions
Improve relationships
Increase confidence
Create inner clarity
What is your favorite mantra or affirmation?